The Growing Market for Senior Care

As people age, finding high-quality care becomes a top priority. This is especially true for the families of senior citizens because family members want to ensure that their loved one has all of the services that he or she will need to live safely and comfortably at home. In addition to finding medical care from doctors and nurses, it is important for seniors and their families to think about daily life and how to get the help they need for everyday activities. The senior home care business is on the rise as companies spring up to offer senior citizens support when it comes to managing and maintaining control of their independence without having to leave the home. Looking at trends in senior care helps entrepreneurs and families alike understand what to expect in the future.

Number of Seniors on the Rise

The number of senior citizens in this country continues to skyrocket as advances in medicine and science help improve lives and add to the expected lifespan of the average American. According to the Administration on Aging in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the number of Americans age 65 and older will grow a little more than three percent from 2010 to 2020. By 2030, senior citizens will make up nearly 20 percent of the total population.

This means that more and more individuals each day reach an age that puts them into the senior citizen category. It also means that there are growing numbers of individuals that will require medical and non-medical care and will need to take steps to have a plan in place when “that day” arrives. Even though many will need extra care in their old age, most seniors want to stay close to their family and live in their own home so that they can remain independent. As we move into the future, senior care is expected to evolve in order to enhance the quality of life for senior citizens.

Predictions for the Future of Senior Care

There are a number of trends emerging in the field of senior care that have already begun to shape how seniors receive care and interact with their doctors.

Predictions for the future of senior care include:

1.      Increased Role of Technology – From health monitors to emergency alert systems, technology is making it easier and safer for seniors to live alone at home. In addition, new robotic technology is making its way into homes to allow patients to videoconference with family members and doctors. Technology allows seniors to be connected with loved ones and know that emergency assistance is just a press of a button away. As the more recent generations age, they will be more willing to adopt these advancements in technology when it comes to taking ownership of their care.

2.      Accountable and Managed Care – Another growing trend is for senior citizens and their families to seek out medical and non-medical care regardless of the person’s current health status. Families will gain peace of mind knowing that their loved one is being looked after when it comes to in-home care, especially if the family does not live in an area that allows for frequent visits. Working with a trusted senior home care business will be at the top of the list when a family plans out their senior care.

3.      Improved Quality of Senior Care – The amenities and services provided by in-home care specialists will continue to be a deciding factor for families in the future. By assisting with daily tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and running errands, non-medical care professionals help foster a comfortable environment for senior citizens. The growing need for quality in-home care creates opportunities for entrepreneurs to improve on the quality of care given to the aging population.

4.      Higher Demand for Affordable Care – With more people reaching their retirement years and beyond, there will quickly become increased competition for high quality medical services. However, technology and the in-home care model are allowing senior citizens to stay at home in a familiar setting and still get emergency assistance if necessary. Living facilities have limited space and cannot bring in new residents to help their business grow. On the other hand, companies that specialize in home care for seniors provide value for senior citizens and their families while allowing people to stay in their own homes.

5.      Increased Focus on Small Businesses – Small business franchises, such as a senior home care business, will continue to grow and thrive in communities around the world as the number of senior citizens increases. The demand for high-quality and affordable non-medical attention and services will be on the rise as well. Small businesses will be in a unique position to offer a personal touch to the process and give senior citizens the extra human support that is needed to help promote recovery from illness and injury, or even to just brighten up the day.

When taking into account all of these trends, you will see how technology and changing consumer demand are leading to higher quality care and affordability for senior citizens through in-home care.

To begin making a difference in your community, download your copy of our FREE franchising eBook to learn why Always Best Care’s training, marketing, and support have grown our franchisee revenue so dramatically.

Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

4 Top Advantages of an Always Best Care Franchise

Always Best Care FranchiseThere are tens of thousands of franchises to choose from in just about every industry. By narrowing your choice to the senior care market, you are one step closer to owning an Always Best Care franchise.

Always Best Care is one of North America’s fastest-growing providers of three essential services for the burgeoning senior population: non-medical in-home care, assisted living placement, and skilled home health care.

Why an Always Best Care Franchise?

What makes an Always Best Care franchise your best option for achieving your dreams? How is an Always Best Care franchise different from other similar franchise operations? Briefly, here are four reasons to put us on your “A” list right now.

1. Total Support for Quick Success
There is a ready market waiting for you. Every day, 10,000 Americans reach 65 years of age. As the owner of an Always Best Care franchise, you tap into a tremendous client base with huge growth potential. We’ll help with a powerful suite of support services, ranging from strategic planning and communications to mentoring, marketing, and team building.

2. A Great Business Model
We give you not one, not two, but three pathways to expand revenues and increase profit. These pathways respond to the most important and prevalent needs of our senior population. They are non-medical in-home care, skilled home healthcare, and locating assisted living facilities. By offering the complete continuum of care, you will make a huge difference in people’s lives while assuring your business success.

3. Room to Grow
Each Always Best Care franchise has a population base of approximately 200,000 people, allowing you plenty of room to grow. We also offer protected referral sources. Referrals are the bread-and-butter for home care services revenues. Those referrals come from a variety of sources, such as case managers, social workers, discharge planners, doctors, and existing clients. When you market to these sources – with our assistance and support, of course – it doesn’t matter whether they are inside or outside your defined territory because you are fully protected.

4. Amazingly Affordable Startup Cost
Let’s be honest: There’s a real investment that comes with opening a franchise. But the costs for becoming an Always Best Care franchise are extremely approachable compared to other senior care franchises. Your estimated initial investment is much lower than you would expect from a company with such a solid reputation and record of success as Always Best Care.

As the owner of an Always Best Care franchise, you’ll manage a small business with a big heart. You will be fulfilling an important need for senior citizens to age in place. In doing so, you will improve their lives and give peace of mind to families in your community.

Learn More

Are you interested in learning more about what it takes to be successful as a senior care franchise owner during the aging-in-place boom? Always Best Care is here to help you navigate the industry as one of our franchise owners! Download our FREE franchising ebook today to learn more.

Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Always Best Care: One of the Best Elderly Care Franchises

Celebrating as one of the best elderly care franchiseWe don’t like to brag, but if you are looking for the best elderly care franchise in North America, you may have found it. Franchise Gator just recognized Always Best Care as one of its 2020 Top 100 franchises. The Top 100 list represents franchises that show strong potential for growth and are solid investments. These are just two of the best reasons to become an Always Best Care franchise owner.

Of course, we are not surprised at making this list. Our all-out commitment to our franchisees is second to none and our reputation as one of the best elderly care franchise companies anywhere is the result of that commitment. But how do we show that commitment? What makes an Always Best Care senior care franchise a smart buy – one that offers sustainability and the assurance of a strong return on your investment?

Best Opportunities for Steady Revenues

One of the ways that we prove that ours is among the best elderly care franchise opportunities is our responsiveness to the most pressing needs of the healthcare marketplace. We provide services that are in greatest demand by our rising senior population.

We recognize that as people age, their health status can change dramatically and rapidly. Always Best Care franchises answer the call by delivering:

We are the only senior services franchise system that combines these three popular services, so as a franchisee you will enjoy the potential of earning revenues from multiple sources, which is unusual in the home care franchise industry.

Best Elderly Care Franchise Support System

You will appreciate the expansive, all-encompassing support that Always Best Care provides to ensure each individual owner continues to be the best elderly care franchise in the community. After an intensive 12 weeks of training, franchisees receive ongoing guidance from a knowledgeable team of corporate senior care experts and mentoring from local representatives. Franchisees also benefit from our established vendor relationships and technology platforms that can make daily operations a breeze. We take care of a lot of the back-end details so you can focus your attention on nurturing client relationships.

Best Care For Customers

Every day, we extend compassionate care to people in need. The people we work within communities across America, from social workers to doctors to family members, can attest to our high level of dedication to making a difference in people’s lives. And we do it affordably while meeting the highest standards in the healthcare industry. Our Always in Touch program, which provides a daily phone call to seniors and disabled adults living alone, is the only one of its kind in America.

There are many more reasons why Always Best Care will make the best elderly care franchise investment for you. Let us share more of those reasons with you! Please call 855-430-2273 or email [email protected].

How to Transition from Stay-at-Home Parenting to Home Care Franchise Ownership

Making the Transition From Stay-at-Home Parenting to Home Care Franchise Ownership

Stay-at-home parents come to a crossroads when they have finished nurturing their children into adulthood. If you find yourself there now, you know how discomforting it can be to suddenly have energy and time available that, until recently, went directly to your children’s lives.  Perhaps you want to get back into a professional life — but you are wary of going back to work for someone else in a corporate setting.  But, you might not have the desire to begin from nothing with a startup, either.  Additionally, you probably want to find yourself on a path that allows you to continue giving and providing support to those who need it.

For many people transitioning out of stay-at-home parenting, the answer is senior care franchise ownership.


Why Senior Care Franchise Ownership?

Owning a franchise is a great way to realize the career ambitions you may have put on hold to raise a family, but without many of the huge risks that accompany startup businesses.  Franchises allow you the freedom to call the shots for defining your company’s culture and vision, but operating with the guidance, support, and a proven system backing you up every step of the way.

Of course, there are several types of franchises to choose from, in every imaginable industry. Everyone is familiar with fast-food, home cleaning and hair salon franchises, for example, but other sectors of the economy are becoming known for their franchise opportunities, as well. Senior care franchises are special in that:

 They aren’t just businesses; they are community resources
 In-home senior care is a rapidly growing industry, particularly with the “Baby Boomer” generation transitioning into older age and retirement
 Senior care franchise ownership gives you the opportunity to continue providing care and support to those who need it
 Franchise ownership in the senior care sector allows you to interact with people from all walks of life, connecting you to a rich life outside the home


Making the Transition into Senior Care Franchise OwnershipMaking the Transition From Stay-at-Home Parenting to Home Care Franchise Ownership

Now that you’ve got time and energy that you didn’t have available before, you might be tempted to jump right in to the first opportunity that comes along.  However, it’s good to perform some research and a bit of soul searching to determine what path is truly the right one for you and your future.

Senior care franchise ownership is a great way to perform meaningful work in the next phase of your life and career. It may not be perfect for everyone, but it is a unique opportunity for those who may be searching for a way to earn a living and give something back to the community at the same time.

We feel confident that your research will reveal senior care franchise ownership as an excellent next-step possibility for you!


For More Information

Are you interested in learning more about what it takes to be a senior care franchise owner during the aging-in-place boom? Always Best Care is here to help you navigate the industry as one of our franchise owners! Download our FREE franchising eBook today to learn more and refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.


5 Reasons to Consider Senior Care Franchise Ownership This Year

5 Reasons to Consider Senior Care Franchise Ownership This YearIf you’ve been considering a jump into the world of business ownership, it’s probably something that you’ve been thinking about for quite some time. Starting your own business is not an endeavor that should be taken lightly, and if you’ve been dreaming of it for a while, you want to make sure the time and situation is right before you dive in. Perhaps you told yourself that you would take that leap this year, but now it feels like it’s too late with everything that’s going on. So maybe you’re considering making your move next year so you can start fresh with a new number on the calendar and the challenges of the previous year behind you.

Unfortunately, next year will probably be no less busy and/or challenging than this one, so maybe it’s a good idea to get the ball rolling today. If your business idea is to own and operate your own senior care franchise, there’s no better time than right now to get started.

Here are five of the reasons why you should consider senior care franchise ownership this year:

#1 — The Industry Is Growing; Get In as Early as You Can!

The senior care industry is growing and transforming, largely thanks to the influence of the Baby Boomer generation, which is seeing its members retire in massive waves. The “boomers” aren’t interested in “traditional” senior care options like nursing homes; they want to stay at home and use services that provide outstanding in home care.

If you want to get in as close to the ground floor as possible with your senior care business, we suggest you act now!

#2 — Seniors and Their Families Need Help Today

When you run a business, it’s good to know that what you do isn’t just good for you; it’s good for the community at large. This is absolutely the case in senior care. Right now, families in your area are searching for senior care solutions. Let your new business be the one to help them!

#3 — The Franchise Is There for You

Maybe you’re putting off business ownership because you’re not ready to jump through hoops and cut through endless amounts of red tape. Consider this, though: one of the key benefits of franchise ownership is the fact that the franchise is there for you, ready to give you the assistance you need to get your business off the ground. When you own a franchise, you get plugged into an entity that has the experience and know how to get you going on the right foot.

5 Reasons to Consider Senior Care Franchise Ownership This Year#4 — Get Good Word of Mouth Going Right Away

Senior care franchises rely on the owner’s ability to generate a strong presence in the community. And there’s nothing quite as valuable as good word of mouth. The sooner you get started building your reputation, the sooner you can experience the benefits of franchise ownership.

#5 — Why Not?

Seriously. Why not get started right now? You’ve been thinking of it for a while and time isn’t slowing down any time soon. And right now is a great time to get into the senior care industry. Sure, you can continue to put it off, but the only way you’ll be able to live your dreams of business ownership is by taking the first step. And the best time to start is right now!

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Are you interested in learning more about what it takes to be successful as a senior care franchise owner during the aging-in-place boom? Always Best Care is here to help you navigate the industry as one of our franchise owners! Download our FREE franchising ebook today to learn more.

Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Connecting With Your Community — The Key to Running Your Franchise Effectively

Being a presence in your community is a crucial component to operating an in-home senior care franchise.  After all, people will be much more attracted to the services you offer if you can demonstrate that your business is — as we like to say — a resource for the community.  You can become a resource by developing your skill set and putting yourself out there as a leader in senior care.

Following are just a few of the ways in which you can ensure that people look at your franchise as more than just a local business.

Find Your Niche and Show Why You’re the Expert

What is it about senior care that attracted you to the business?

You probably have a personal interest in senior care, or maybe you have expertise in a certain aspect of senior living.  Perhaps you’re passionate about changing the face of senior care to accommodate the Baby Boomer generation.  Or, you witnessed a relative struggle with the hard choices associated with staying at home, or entering a nursing facility.

Whatever your specific area of interest in regard to senior care, you can use it to help build your business.


Carefully and steadily build your knowledge base through training, community involvement, Certified Senior Advisor certification, or any other method that helps build your competence.  Partner with local thought leaders in an area of interest to you (Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, Cancer Research, …)  Consider becoming a SHIP (Medicare) Counselor.

Connect with local organizations and community leaders and see if there are opportunities available to give talks or lead workshops for audiences interested in your area of expertise.  Doing this shows people that you’re not just a local business owner; you’re a passionate expert who is in business to truly help people and provide resources for those in the community who need them.

You can also leverage your specific expertise by writing informative blog posts, podcasting or arranging for interviews with local media.  The more your voice is heard by people in your area, the more likely they are to think of you when the time comes to make decisions about senior care.

Make Sure the Rest of the Senior Care Community Knows Your Name!How to Hire the Best for Your Senior Care Franchise

Always Best Care franchise owner Susan Oderwald talked about this during our recent interview with her, and it’s something that can help you make a name for yourself — and your business: Network, network and network some more!  Make a point to meet with key individuals in the greater senior care community, including hospice care providers elder-law attorneys, skilled care providers and others.  Expand your sphere of contacts.  These people can become amazing referral sources for you, but you’ve got to do the work to ensure that your name is always on the tips of their tongues.

When you can start showing up to community meetings knowing everyone’s name, you can be sure that you’ve made a name for yourself, helping your business immeasurably.

Follow the System

You’ve got to work hard on your own to make it as a senior care franchise owner, but you’ve also got to be able to trust the proven system that’s in place to help you grow.  Area Representatives and National Directors from your franchise’s support office want you to do your best, and they will give you all the necessary tools and strategies. It’s what sets franchise ownership apart from other types of business opportunities, and it’s what’s going to give you the edge you need to make an amazing impact in your community!

Learn More

Are you interested in learning more about what it takes to be successful as a senior care franchise owner during the aging-in-place boom? Always Best Care is here to help you navigate the industry as one of our franchise owners!  Download our FREE franchising ebook today to learn more and refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.


Why Your Senior Care Franchise Matters

Why Your Senior Care Franchise MattersWhether you’re going into business for the first time, or if you are an experienced professional as a business owner, success is measured in a number of different ways. Certainly, it’s important to make money — as a business owner in a capitalistic society, that will always be your number-one priority — but there are other factors that make owning your own business special. If your business is operating your own senior care franchise, for example, success also means making a difference in the lives of individuals and families in your area. As an in-home senior care franchise owner, your business matters to people other than you and your team, and success is measured largely by your ability to provide a service that people depend on.

Let’s have a look at some of the ways your franchise truly matters:

#1 — It’s the Perfect Option for Today’s Seniors

These days, living a rich, fulfilling life at any age is all about options.

Years ago, families had very few options when it came to ensuring that an aging loved one lived comfortably and safely with the ideal level of care. Today, in-home senior care is the perfect solution for those aging individuals who choose to remain in the comfortable home environment.

Modern seniors can enjoy life the way they choose to live it, not in the unfamiliar and often uncomfortable surroundings of the typical nursing home environment that was once the norm.

By providing an option for in-home senior care in your community, you are offering a solution that might not otherwise be present for families in the area. For many seniors, what you’re providing with your senior care franchise is the ideal scenario for aging. And that really matters!

#2 — You’re Improving the Community

Owning a local business means that you are part of a community; you can’t expect to find success if you’re only looking out for yourself and your business’s bottom line. So by providing such a unique — and much needed — resource, you’re actually supplying your community with options that strengthen the fabric of your town or city. There are some areas of the country where seniors don’t have all of the options that are available elsewhere. By operating your franchise in the area where you live, you ensure that your community stays modern, up to date and a place where people can feel comfortable growing old.

Why Your Senior Care Franchise Matters#3 — The Senior Population Is Growing — You’re There for Them

Baby Boomers are reaching retirement age in huge numbers, and the senior population is about to start growing at a stratospheric rate. These people currently form the backbone of your community, but they’re going to need help in the coming years. By operating a senior care franchise, you provide part of the essential infrastructure that will help your community treat its seniors with the care and respect they deserve.

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Are you interested in learning more about what it takes to be successful as a senior care franchise owner during the aging-in-place boom? Always Best Care is here to help you navigate the industry as one of our franchise owners! Download our FREE franchising ebook today to learn more and refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Area Representatives — 3 Ways They Help You Run Your Franchise

Area Representatives — 3 Ways They Help You Run Your FranchiseThe advantages of going into business as a senior care franchise owner are numerous, but perhaps the most attractive aspect of operating a franchise vs. going the startup route is the system of support that’s in place for you. As an in-home senior care franchise owner, you aren’t starting from scratch; you’re beginning your new business with a road map and a proven system all in place.

The proven system includes strategies and tools for marketing and hiring, but it also includes the wisdom and support of people who understand what it’s like to run a business like yours. And for many franchise owners in our industry, the most crucial person in the system of support is the Area Representative.

What is an Area Representative, and how can they help you operate your franchise as effectively and efficiently as possible?

Let’s take a look!

#1 — Your Area Representative Has a Vested Interest In Your Business

If your ability to run your business well didn’t make a difference to your Area Representative, they probably wouldn’t be quite so invested in your potential success. But Area Representatives depend on franchise owners like you to follow the system and employ their own helpful strategies. Their ability to succeed is tied directly to yours, so they are going to be there for you whenever you need to know how to move forward.

They’ve been in your shoes, and they can give you advice that comes from a place of genuine care and faith in your business!

#2 — Your Area Representative Is Your Local “First Responder”

People who run startups and other non-franchise types of businesses don’t have experts to call at a moment’s notice when a crucial decision must be made. They are on their own, and that’s a scary place to be.

With an Area Representative in your franchise’s corner, you always have someone available to respond quickly and give you the guidance you need to move forward confidently and with the best interests of your business in mind. Having an expert who is just a phone call, email or text away is a significant boon to your ability to operate your business well.

Area Representatives — 3 Ways They Help You Run Your Franchise#3 — Your Area Representative Provides Magnificent Motivation!

Sometimes as a business owner, you just need someone to give you a pep talk or a positive perspective. When you own a franchise with Always Best Care, you can rest assured knowing that such a motivating presence is always there for you.

It’s an exciting business, but it’s also full of challenges that can leave franchise owners feeling frustrated. When an Area Representative is available, it can make all the difference in the world during times of struggle.

True Teamwork to Help You Run Your Franchise

Owning and operating a franchise is a terrific way to go into business for yourself, giving you an opportunity to call the shots and make important decisions. But you also get to take advantage of a team of experts who are there to help you, and the cornerstone of that team is your Area Representative. They’ve been where you are now, and they know how to navigate the world you’re entering as a franchise owner.

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Are you interested in learning more about what it takes to be a senior care franchise owner during the aging-in-place boom? Always Best Care is here to help you navigate the industry as one of our franchise owners! Download our FREE franchising ebook today to learn more and refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.


4 Ways to Boost Your Franchise Blog

4 Ways to Boost Your Franchise BlogOne of your responsibilities as a senior care franchise owner is to market your business effectively. These days, the most powerful marketing is done online, often through various social media platforms, email newsletters and — especially — blogging. Having a blog on your website ensures that you always have fresh content for the search engines and potential clients to find. It also helps you establish your voice as an authority in senior care.

Senior care franchise owners need to be focused on their businesses, so blogging isn’t always in the forefronts of their minds. However, maintaining a blog doesn’t have to be difficult or time consuming. And the benefits associated with establishing a strong voice in blogging are tremendous compared to the relatively small effort needed to do so.

If you’re a franchise owner — or are interested in becoming one — in the senior care industry, here are four tips to help you maximize your online marketing efforts through your blog!

Tip #1 — Keep a Content Calendar

To be effective with your blog, you can’t just log into your website and start typing away. Instead, generate some topics and themes that you want to cover. Then organize those topics in a calendar format so you can see what you’ve got coming up. This helps you maintain a consistent schedule while enhancing your ability to cover a wide range of topics.

Tip #2 — Establish Your Voice

Whether you’ll be the one to actually write the posts, or if you have a designated writer, it’s important to establish the “voice” of your blog. It should have a point of view that tells readers that you’re an authority in senior care and the various subjects you are covering.

Tip #3 — Space Is Your Friend

There’s plenty of content on the internet to read, so people aren’t going to waste time with blogs that consist of long blocks of text. Break your posts up into bite-size chunks by adding headings, lists and plenty of “white space” between paragraphs. When you organize your posts this way, they are much more easy on the eyes and more likely to inspire readers to come back for subsequent posts.

4 Ways to Boost Your Franchise BlogTip #4 — Add Images!

The internet is increasingly becoming a visual medium. Your words are important, but your blog will perform much better if you add some images. Better yet, find a way to include video content to your blog, and you’ll see a significant uptick in engagement.

Consistency Is Key

Getting your blog set up will be the most challenging part of the process, but once it’s set up, all you have to do is keep updating your content calendar and follow it so that your posts get published regularly and consistently. Keep it consistent and be sure to follow the tips above, and you’ll see just how effective blogging can be in effectively marketing your franchise!

Are you interested in learning more about what it takes to be successful as a senior care franchise owner during the aging-in-place boom? Always Best Care is here to help you navigate the industry as one of our franchise owners! Download our FREE franchising ebook today to learn more and refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.


5 Inspirational Quotes for Franchise Owners

5 Inspirational Quotes for Franchise OwnersOwning and operating a senior care franchise can be a rewarding experience, but running your own franchise isn’t always smooth sailing. Ups and downs are natural in any business, so it’s important to stay motivated and focused on performing to the best of your ability, especially when the challenges you face seem overwhelming. Thankfully, as a franchise owner, help is available from your area representatives and corporate office. But if you’re looking for an extra spark of inspiration, it doesn’t hurt to pay attention to some tried-and-true bits of wisdom.

Here are five excellent inspirational quotes for senior care franchise owners!

#1 — “Expect problems and eat them for breakfast.” – Alfred Montapert

Alfred Montapert is a somewhat obscure 20th-century philosopher and author, but this quote really packs a punch! What Montapert is saying is that problems will arise in your business, no matter how hard you work to avoid them. If you can accept that problems will come up, you can deal with them decisively in the moment. And by being prepared for them, you can eliminate them with relative ease, just like you eliminated that piece of toast you had for breakfast!

#2 — “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain

Making plans and generating big ideas about how you will run your franchise isn’t a bad thing, necessarily, but if you fail to actually take action on your ideas, you won’t see your business grow. Don’t worry so much about all of the steps you have to take; just take the first one. With each step, you become better prepared to take the next one!

#3 — “The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” – Thomas Paine

Some challenges are more difficult than others to deal with. The good news is that facing the biggest problems head on tends to reap the biggest benefits. That problem that seems insurmountable now could represent the most direct route to reaching your goals in the future, so take on your big challenges one step at a time.

5 Inspirational Quotes for Franchise Owners#4 — “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” – Thomas Edison

Here, Edison calls to mind the classic, “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again,” nugget of wisdom, but he goes even further in identifying “giving up” as a weakness. Few, if any, good things ever came from giving up, so if you believe in something, why not give it another try?

#5 — “Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.” – William Butler Yeats

The world isn’t going to present the perfect opportunities for you to take actions in the interest of making your franchise grow. You create those opportunities for yourself through hard work, careful planning and using the advice and insights provided by your franchise support system. If you want to succeed as a franchise owner in the senior care industry, you’ve got to be proactive!

Are you interested in learning more about what it takes to be successful as a senior care franchise owner during the aging-in-place boom? Always Best Care is here to help you navigate the industry as one of our franchise owners! Download our FREE franchising ebook today to learn more and refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.
