Franchise Ownership and Marketing Muscle

Franchise Ownership and scleOwning your own business requires you to be able to spread awareness about your products and-or services. Marketing is absolutely crucial in your quest for success, and it’s something that you’ve got to focus on consistently. Some people have a natural knack for marketing and advertising, but for others, it can be a struggle. And these days, businesses need to engage in newer marketing strategies (SEO, Google, e-mail marketing) as well as social ones (Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, etc. ) to make the greatest possible impact.

The amount of time and energy that needs to be devoted to marketing in a modern business can be overwhelming, but franchises offer business owners the chance to access some powerful marketing muscle to complement their own efforts. Franchise owners need to devote time and energy to marketing their businesses, but they don’t have to do it all alone.

The Franchise Marketing Advantage

When it comes to marketing a business successfully, one of the key components is developing name recognition. With a start up, it’s necessary to build that name recognition from the ground up. It takes a considerable amount of time and effort to build trust around the brand. Doing so can be rewarding, but it’s also quite exhausting.

As the owner of a franchise, you begin your business with name recognition built right in. it’s your business, but it’s also part of a proven framework of ideas, strategies and excellence that people recognize. You certainly need to go out there and let people know about your business, but with so much familiarity built in, you can make it much easier to convince people that what you’re offering is worth their time and money.

Advertising Expertise and Cutting-Edge Marketing Strategies

As a senior care franchise owner with Always Best Care, you get access to a tremendous marketing machine. Franchise owners benefit from award-winning marketing programs that reach potential clients through referral marketing and digital marketing efforts.

When you franchise with Always Best Care, you get assistance in developing specific marketing strategies that are highly focused on your local area.

Our direct marketing campaigns help you deliver a value-packed newsletter to potential clients
Brand awareness campaigns and lead-generation tools can be concentrated on your specific region
We give you the most effective tools for engaging on social media, as well as access to the latest Search Engine Optimization (SEO) best practices
There are more than 250 marketing collateral pieces available for a wide range of campaigns

Unleash Your Franchise Marketing Potential

As an Always Best Care franchise owner, you’ll always have a powerful marketing team behind you, offering guidance and support so you can ensure that your business gets noticed and builds a great reputation. If you want to own your own business, becoming an in home senior care franchise owner with Always Best Care is a great way to do so with the backing of one of the best brands in the industry!

Get started by downloading our FREE E-Book today!

The Ways Baby Boomers Are Changing the Face of Senior Care

3 Ways Baby Boomers Are Changing the Face of Senior Care

When Baby Boomers speak, their voices are heard loud and clear thanks to their sheer numbers and the influence they still hold over society. And these days, individuals from this special generation are talking more and more about how they think their senior years ought to be spent.

It’s no surprise to learn that the Baby Boomer generation has some different ideas about senior care than the generations that came before.

Let’s take a look at three of the big ways in which Baby Boomers are changing the senior care industry.

Greater Numbers and Longer Lives

The Baby Boomer generation counts about 80 million people as its members, and about 8,000 of them are reaching retirement age every day. The senior care systems that have been in place for decades are simply not designed to meet the needs of so many people retiring at the same time.  This puts a great strain on existing modes of care, such as skilled nursing facilities and other types of support services.

Baby Boomers are also living longer lives than those of previous generations: people born at the tail end of the Baby Boom generation (1964) are expected to live about six years longer than those who were born in the earlier parts of the 1900’s.  Advances in technology, fitness and medicine are increasing longevity.  Baby Boomers want to take advantage of it, making previous senior care institutions somewhat obsolete.

A Greater Desire for Freedom

The Baby Boomers made a name for themselves by questioning previously held standards of how life should be lived. Over the years, they have established new ways of thinking in our world, and 3 Ways Baby Boomers Are Changing the Face of Senior Carethey are taking that sense of change and improvement into their retirement years, as well.

Baby Boomers just don’t see themselves the same way that previous generations have when reaching retirement age. They have little interest in sedentary retirement.  Many have recollections of the limited options their parents had years ago, and they prefer to stay at home for as long as possible, where they can feel free to live their lives as they see fit.

Providing In-Home Senior Care for Baby Boomers

Senior care franchise owners are leading the way when it comes to providing the types of care that Baby Boomers want.  As a senior care franchise owner, you can operate a business that is designed to offer the balance modern seniors seek between a life of freedom but with a level of care that ensures continued health and safety.  If you are wondering how you can accommodate the needs of the aging population in your community and are ready to go into business for yourself, senior care franchise ownership could be the perfect solution!

Are you interested in learning more about what it takes to be successful as a senior care franchise owner during the aging-in-place boom? Always Best Care is here to help you navigate the industry as one of our franchise owners! Download our FREE franchising ebook today to learn more and refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.


Ready to Buy a Senior Care Franchise? Here Are 9 Things You Need to Know!

Ready to Buy a Senior Care Franchise? Here Are 9 Things You Need to Know!


Owning and operating a senior care franchise in your community is a great way to get into business for yourself while providing a valuable resource for the families in your area. But a person can’t expect to dive in head first and experience success right off the bat. Operating a franchise effectively requires you to take an intelligent approach. At the end of the day, the people who do their homework before they are awarded their franchises are the ones who get the most out of the experience, both professionally and personally.

If you or someone you know is considering opening a senior care franchise, they’ve probably done a fair amount of research and fact finding. But before they commit, it’s crucial to keep these nine concepts in mind.

#1 — Franchise Ownership Is a Collaboration

When you are awarded your own franchise unit(s), you’re joining a recognized brand name that will help you promote and sell your services. But you’re also accessing the accumulated expertise of a company that knows how to do things the right way. Certainly, you’re going to bring your own business savvy and strengths to the table, but you have to be able to collaborate with the franchisor and your regional support representatives, if you want to get the most out of your new business ownership experience.

#2 — Local Marketing Is Key

And it’s largely up to you. You will get plenty of support when it comes to marketing, but making an impact in your local market will be one of your main jobs.  How and where you network, advertise and promote your services is generally the responsibility of those most knowledgeable of the local market.

#3 — You Have to Understand Your Territory

If you’re going to market effectively in your region, you need to understand its people and the values they hold dear.  A deep understanding of the local demographics, laws, customs and ways of doing business are all basic foundations.

#4 — Obtain the Answers to All Your Questions

Before settling on a franchise ownership opportunity, it’s crucial to make a list of questions and concerns. But it’s even more important to ensure that you’ve obtained answers! Don’t go into franchise ownership unless you are satisfied with those answers.  Get the information you need to make an informed decision.

#5 —Understand the Total Investment

Do you have enough money not only to purchase your franchise, but to operate it comfortably while you get it off the ground?  How long will that take?  What is a reasonable, but conservative model?  Talk with current owners of the franchise during the ‘validation’ phase of your due diligence.  It is encouraged (if not demanded) because it is so important.

#6 —Understand the Demand for Senior Care in Your Market

The demand for in-home senior care services is high, but it’s not identical in every market. Before purchasing a franchise, it’s important to get a feel for the exact level of interest in your area.  Demographics shift and evolve, as does the amount and level of competition.

#7 — There Are Risks Involved

No business opportunity — even senior care franchising — is without risks. The more you understand the risks that you face in franchise ownership, the better able you will be to face them.  Again, the validation phase is where you get the opportunity to meet and/or talk with owners to understand their challenges and successes.

#8 — You Believe in Providing Excellent Care

Examine your reasons for getting into senior care —  There is a fine balance between having the drive to build a profitable business enterprise and the compassion to help those in need.  Too much of either aspect can have a negative effect on the other.

#9 — What Franchise Owners Have to Say

As mentioned above, performing research is crucial if you’re going to be awarded the right franchise.  Part of that research has to consist of in-depth discussions with existing franchise owners in the validation stage of your due diligence with the franchisor. Don’t be afraid to ask the tough questions! The answers might not always be what you want to hear, but you’ll get the truth about your potential future as a senior care franchise owner.  Remember, the current owners were in your place previously!  They understand and appreciate the process you are going through.

Are you interested in learning more about what it takes to be a senior care franchise owner during the aging-in-place boom? Always Best Care is here to help you navigate the industry as one of our franchise owners! Download our FREE franchising eBook today to learn more and refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.


Connecting With Your Community — The Key to Running Your Franchise Effectively

Being a presence in your community is a crucial component to operating an in-home senior care franchise.  After all, people will be much more attracted to the services you offer if you can demonstrate that your business is — as we like to say — a resource for the community.  You can become a resource by developing your skill set and putting yourself out there as a leader in senior care.

Following are just a few of the ways in which you can ensure that people look at your franchise as more than just a local business.

Find Your Niche and Show Why You’re the Expert

What is it about senior care that attracted you to the business?

You probably have a personal interest in senior care, or maybe you have expertise in a certain aspect of senior living.  Perhaps you’re passionate about changing the face of senior care to accommodate the Baby Boomer generation.  Or, you witnessed a relative struggle with the hard choices associated with staying at home, or entering a nursing facility.

Whatever your specific area of interest in regard to senior care, you can use it to help build your business.


Carefully and steadily build your knowledge base through training, community involvement, Certified Senior Advisor certification, or any other method that helps build your competence.  Partner with local thought leaders in an area of interest to you (Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, Cancer Research, …)  Consider becoming a SHIP (Medicare) Counselor.

Connect with local organizations and community leaders and see if there are opportunities available to give talks or lead workshops for audiences interested in your area of expertise.  Doing this shows people that you’re not just a local business owner; you’re a passionate expert who is in business to truly help people and provide resources for those in the community who need them.

You can also leverage your specific expertise by writing informative blog posts, podcasting or arranging for interviews with local media.  The more your voice is heard by people in your area, the more likely they are to think of you when the time comes to make decisions about senior care.

Make Sure the Rest of the Senior Care Community Knows Your Name!How to Hire the Best for Your Senior Care Franchise

Always Best Care franchise owner Susan Oderwald talked about this during our recent interview with her, and it’s something that can help you make a name for yourself — and your business: Network, network and network some more!  Make a point to meet with key individuals in the greater senior care community, including hospice care providers elder-law attorneys, skilled care providers and others.  Expand your sphere of contacts.  These people can become amazing referral sources for you, but you’ve got to do the work to ensure that your name is always on the tips of their tongues.

When you can start showing up to community meetings knowing everyone’s name, you can be sure that you’ve made a name for yourself, helping your business immeasurably.

Follow the System

You’ve got to work hard on your own to make it as a senior care franchise owner, but you’ve also got to be able to trust the proven system that’s in place to help you grow.  Area Representatives and National Directors from your franchise’s support office want you to do your best, and they will give you all the necessary tools and strategies. It’s what sets franchise ownership apart from other types of business opportunities, and it’s what’s going to give you the edge you need to make an amazing impact in your community!

Learn More

Are you interested in learning more about what it takes to be successful as a senior care franchise owner during the aging-in-place boom? Always Best Care is here to help you navigate the industry as one of our franchise owners!  Download our FREE franchising ebook today to learn more and refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.


Area Representatives — 3 Ways They Help You Run Your Franchise

Area Representatives — 3 Ways They Help You Run Your FranchiseThe advantages of going into business as a senior care franchise owner are numerous, but perhaps the most attractive aspect of operating a franchise vs. going the startup route is the system of support that’s in place for you. As an in-home senior care franchise owner, you aren’t starting from scratch; you’re beginning your new business with a road map and a proven system all in place.

The proven system includes strategies and tools for marketing and hiring, but it also includes the wisdom and support of people who understand what it’s like to run a business like yours. And for many franchise owners in our industry, the most crucial person in the system of support is the Area Representative.

What is an Area Representative, and how can they help you operate your franchise as effectively and efficiently as possible?

Let’s take a look!

#1 — Your Area Representative Has a Vested Interest In Your Business

If your ability to run your business well didn’t make a difference to your Area Representative, they probably wouldn’t be quite so invested in your potential success. But Area Representatives depend on franchise owners like you to follow the system and employ their own helpful strategies. Their ability to succeed is tied directly to yours, so they are going to be there for you whenever you need to know how to move forward.

They’ve been in your shoes, and they can give you advice that comes from a place of genuine care and faith in your business!

#2 — Your Area Representative Is Your Local “First Responder”

People who run startups and other non-franchise types of businesses don’t have experts to call at a moment’s notice when a crucial decision must be made. They are on their own, and that’s a scary place to be.

With an Area Representative in your franchise’s corner, you always have someone available to respond quickly and give you the guidance you need to move forward confidently and with the best interests of your business in mind. Having an expert who is just a phone call, email or text away is a significant boon to your ability to operate your business well.

Area Representatives — 3 Ways They Help You Run Your Franchise#3 — Your Area Representative Provides Magnificent Motivation!

Sometimes as a business owner, you just need someone to give you a pep talk or a positive perspective. When you own a franchise with Always Best Care, you can rest assured knowing that such a motivating presence is always there for you.

It’s an exciting business, but it’s also full of challenges that can leave franchise owners feeling frustrated. When an Area Representative is available, it can make all the difference in the world during times of struggle.

True Teamwork to Help You Run Your Franchise

Owning and operating a franchise is a terrific way to go into business for yourself, giving you an opportunity to call the shots and make important decisions. But you also get to take advantage of a team of experts who are there to help you, and the cornerstone of that team is your Area Representative. They’ve been where you are now, and they know how to navigate the world you’re entering as a franchise owner.

Learn More

Are you interested in learning more about what it takes to be a senior care franchise owner during the aging-in-place boom? Always Best Care is here to help you navigate the industry as one of our franchise owners! Download our FREE franchising ebook today to learn more and refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.


5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Boost Your Social Media Power

5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Boost Your Social Media PowerSocial media is increasingly becoming an essential marketing tool for franchise owners in the senior care industry, and it’s the people who take the initiative to spearhead their own campaigns that stand to see the best results.

If you are a senior care franchise owner, or are considering becoming one, it’s important that you take advantage of all the social media marketing tools provided to you by the corporate office. But it might be even more important for you to dive into social media marketing yourself.

Why Social Media?

If using social media as a marketing tool doesn’t seem like a good use of your time and energy, consider this:

Social media platforms allow you to connect with real people in real time
The use of social media gives you the chance to be topical and relate aspects of your business to things that are going on in the world right now
Twitter, Facebook and other popular social media platforms make it possible for you to generate interest and “buzz” much faster than other types of media
Social media can connect you with the right people to help your business grow on the local level, which is where the rubber hits the road for your business

There are numerous reasons for you to use social media to help you grow your in home senior care business, so how can you make sure that you’re using it efficiently and effectively?

Let’s take a look!

5 Social Media Tactics Senior Care Franchise Owners Can Use Right Now!

#1 — Run a Twitter Poll

Twitter is loaded with features that not everyone knows about. One of these features is the ability to run polls. It’s a great way to engage your audience and get a sense of what’s on their minds.

#2 — Start Using Great Imagery

5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Boost Your Social Media PowerPosts on social media platforms perform much, much better when they’re accompanied by an image of some kind. You don’t have to be a great artist or photographer to make an impact; but if you can show, for example, some smiling senior faces, you’re likely to increase engagement and positive feelings about your business!

#3 — Integrate Video

Video content rules the web these days, so make sure you take advantage of the public’s hunger for moving pictures! You don’t have to overdo it, and you don’t need to be super creative — simply linking to a relevant video is often enough to get people to take notice.

#4 — Show Your Authority and Expertise

Have you read some interesting statistics or facts about senior care recently? Are there things about your business that people would be surprised to know? Use your social media platforms to express your authority and expertise as a senior care expert, and you’ll build trust in the community.

#5 — Connect With Other Local Businesses

One of the best ways to make an impact through social media on the local level is to reach out to other businesses that you may be able to partner with. Be friendly and reach out to businesses that are adjacent to the industry. And don’t be afraid to share posts relevant to your specific location. This practice can be extraordinarily powerful!

Are you interested in learning more about what it takes to be a senior care franchise owner during the aging-in-place boom? Always Best Care is here to help you navigate the industry as one of our franchise owners! Download our FREE franchising ebook today to learn more and refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.


4 Ways to Boost Your Franchise Blog

4 Ways to Boost Your Franchise BlogOne of your responsibilities as a senior care franchise owner is to market your business effectively. These days, the most powerful marketing is done online, often through various social media platforms, email newsletters and — especially — blogging. Having a blog on your website ensures that you always have fresh content for the search engines and potential clients to find. It also helps you establish your voice as an authority in senior care.

Senior care franchise owners need to be focused on their businesses, so blogging isn’t always in the forefronts of their minds. However, maintaining a blog doesn’t have to be difficult or time consuming. And the benefits associated with establishing a strong voice in blogging are tremendous compared to the relatively small effort needed to do so.

If you’re a franchise owner — or are interested in becoming one — in the senior care industry, here are four tips to help you maximize your online marketing efforts through your blog!

Tip #1 — Keep a Content Calendar

To be effective with your blog, you can’t just log into your website and start typing away. Instead, generate some topics and themes that you want to cover. Then organize those topics in a calendar format so you can see what you’ve got coming up. This helps you maintain a consistent schedule while enhancing your ability to cover a wide range of topics.

Tip #2 — Establish Your Voice

Whether you’ll be the one to actually write the posts, or if you have a designated writer, it’s important to establish the “voice” of your blog. It should have a point of view that tells readers that you’re an authority in senior care and the various subjects you are covering.

Tip #3 — Space Is Your Friend

There’s plenty of content on the internet to read, so people aren’t going to waste time with blogs that consist of long blocks of text. Break your posts up into bite-size chunks by adding headings, lists and plenty of “white space” between paragraphs. When you organize your posts this way, they are much more easy on the eyes and more likely to inspire readers to come back for subsequent posts.

4 Ways to Boost Your Franchise BlogTip #4 — Add Images!

The internet is increasingly becoming a visual medium. Your words are important, but your blog will perform much better if you add some images. Better yet, find a way to include video content to your blog, and you’ll see a significant uptick in engagement.

Consistency Is Key

Getting your blog set up will be the most challenging part of the process, but once it’s set up, all you have to do is keep updating your content calendar and follow it so that your posts get published regularly and consistently. Keep it consistent and be sure to follow the tips above, and you’ll see just how effective blogging can be in effectively marketing your franchise!

Are you interested in learning more about what it takes to be successful as a senior care franchise owner during the aging-in-place boom? Always Best Care is here to help you navigate the industry as one of our franchise owners! Download our FREE franchising ebook today to learn more and refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.


How to Set Up Your Franchise Facebook Page

As a senior care franchise owner, it’s crucial for you to be able to market your business well. Of course, franchising gives you access to tools and expertise from your area representatives, as well as powerful name recognition for your brand. However, there are a number of marketing initiatives that you can take on to ensure that people know you’re offering outstanding in home senior care in your community. These days, marketing means being able to make an impact online, and one of the best places to make an impact is on Facebook.

Your Facebook Business Page is an essential plank in your overall franchise marketing platform, but you need to set it up properly to ensure that you get the results you want.

A Page, Not a Profile

First of all, you need to make sure that your business has an official Facebook Page, which is different from a Facebook profile. A profile is what you have for your personal use, allowing you to interact with family and friends. A page is a separate creation that identifies itself through its direct association with a business or other entity. Using a Page is much more professional, plus it ensures that you remain within the boundaries of Facebook’s Terms of Use.

Getting started with your page is easy! Just go to your personal account and select the option for “Create New Facebook Page.” You’ll be guided through all of the steps for the initial creation of your page.

Spruce it Up!

Facebook will take you through the basic steps for setting up your page, which allows you to do the bare minimum to get it up and running. However, it’s important that you take some time to add a detailed description and a good selection of images. Choose your profile picture carefully — the thumbnail of this image will appear in all of your Page interactions. Also, be sure to select a cover photo that is 851 x 315 pixels, or at least 399 x 150 pixels (Facebook will resize it). Otherwise, your page will look less than professional.

Admin Privileges

As the creator of your Facebook Page, you have exclusive administrative access. You may want to give others access, though, so you can have your team post updates and interact with others.

To add users as “admins,” simply click on the option to “Edit Page,” then you can select (or deselect) users for admin access. Please note that admins need to have user profiles in order to be given access to your Page.

Promoting Your Pagefacebook

When you set up your Facebook Business Page, it won’t have any “Likes.” In order to get people to pay attention to your Page, invite friends from your personal profile and begin promoting your Page in blog posts and through postings on other social media platforms. You can also create a Facebook “badge” to place on your website, which will send users directly to your Page when they click on it. Of course, you can always use Facebook Ads to generate interest in your Page; just make sure that you use your advertising budget wisely and that you take time to focus on a targeted audience to make the greatest impact.

Are you interested in learning more about what it takes to be successful as a senior care franchise owner during the aging-in-place boom? Always Best Care is here to help you navigate the industry as one of our franchise owners! Download our FREE franchising ebook today to learn more and refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.



Top Twitter Tips for Senior Care Franchisees

Top Twitter Tips for Senior Care FranchiseesThese days, you have to use social media if you want to achieve success as a business owner. It doesn’t matter what kind of business you operate or what sector of the economy you find yourself in — your target market is on social media, so you need to be there, too. As a senior care franchise owner, it’s especially important to use social media effectively so you can stand out from the competition in your area.

Twitter is one of the top social media platforms, and it has been for the better part of a decade now. However, many senior care franchisees feel as if the popular micro blogging platform is inappropriate for their businesses, or that it isn’t a valid way to connect with their target audience and market. This thinking couldn’t be further from the truth!

The fact of the matter is that Twitter is one of the most powerful marketing platforms available for franchisees.

If you’re not using Twitter or you’re having trouble understanding how to use it in a way that benefits your elder care business, we have some tips to help you give your franchise the edge it needs in your local area..

Eight Top Twitter Tips for Franchisees

#1 — Use it Daily
Make a habit of posting at least once per day to build up a solid reputation.

#2 — Use Tools to Schedule Tweets
Online apps and tools such as TweetDeck, Buffer and HootSuite can help you manage your Twitter feed and schedule updates so you can better manage your schedule.

#3 — Pay Attention to Notifications
When someone wants to interact or has a question, you need to be able to respond and interact effectively; this is where the magic happens!

#4 — Provide Links to Relevant Content
One of the wonderful ways to establish yourself as an authority in the local market senior care is to tweet links to articles and other pieces that are relevant (and helpful) to your audience.

#5 — Link to Your Blog and Website, but Do It Tastefully
Remember the 80/20 rule: only 20% of your tweets should be promotional, but when you do promote, be ready to tell the world where to go to learn more about your business.

Top Twitter Tips for Senior Care Franchisees#6 — Use Analytics
You can truly maximize your Twitter impact by using analytics tools, many of which can be found for free on the web. This way, you can fine tune your approach.

#7 — Get Followers by Following
Don’t be afraid to reach out and follow accounts that relevant to what you do! This helps you to connect with potential clients and customers, too!

#8 — Promote Your Business Locally
Talk about local events and don’t forget to tag other local businesses with whom you are allied. This is where you can really stand out!

Social Media Advice and More for Franchisees

Are you wondering how you can build a social media presence that translates into a healthy bottom line for your senior care business? Download our FREE franchising ebook today and find out why Always Best Care is a leader in the growing senior-care franchise sector.


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Four Fantastic Facebook Tips for Franchisees

Four Fantastic Facebook Tips for FranchiseesDo you use Facebook? If you said “yes” in response to this question, chances are you spend a significant amount of time using the popular social media platform. Naturally, you use it to keep up with the lives of friends and family members, and you probably post your share of updates. Of course, if you’re like most Facebook users, you spend some time interacting with brand pages and updates posted by your favorite companies. Facebook is used by so many of these brands and companies because it’s incredibly effective, plus it makes a very small dent in the marketing budget.

If you’re an in home elder care franchisee, Facebook can be a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal, as well, but you’ve got to understand how to use it properly to promote your senior care business. Otherwise, you might as well be spending your days watching the latest viral cat videos!

Here are four tips that will help you get the most out of using Facebook for your franchise:

#1 — Provide Real Value

Ultimately, your Facebook Page is all about your promoting your business, but if you want people to take notice, you need to give them something of value.

Fortunately, doing this isn’t that difficult. Simply scour the web for interesting, relevant articles or newsworthy pieces on aging. Share content that adds value to peoples’ lives without promoting your business. That way, when you do use a post to promote your franchise, it has a greater impact. Also, be sure to post about local events and community activities to show that you’re invested in your area.

#2 — Be Consistent

Your Facebook page should be consistent with everything else you employ to promote your brand. Logos should look the same as they do on your website and everywhere else online. Images should convey a professional, authoritative aesthetic consistent through all social media platforms. Additionally, you want to make sure that your personal Facebook profile reflects positively (and consistently) on your brand.

Four Fantastic Facebook Tips for Franchisees#3 — Always Use Images!

When people post using only text, they generate very little interest; you’ve probably seen this for yourself when perusing social media. That’s why it’s so important to add an image to every single post. Use images that you have on file or search for unlicensed images on Google. You can also use stock-photo services that allow you to pay a small fee for the rights to use professional-quality photos and illustrations.

#4 — Check Your Links!

When you insert a link into your Facebook post, it populates it with an appropriate image and text. However, you shouldn’t just assume that your link will work as planned. Before you post your update, check all links to be sure they go where they’re supposed to and that they populate the post with the right image.

Always Best Care Can Help!

When it comes to marketing a senior care franchise, we are experts! Download our FREE franchising ebook today and learn how you can be a successful franchise owner in this growing industry!


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.