Be There for the Baby Boomers as a Senior Care Franchise Owner

Be There for the Baby Boomers as a Senior Care Franchise OwnerAccording to statistics from the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and the U.S. Census Bureau, approximately 10,000 “Baby Boomers” will turn 65 every single day for the next 20 years. The overall senior population in the U.S. is also expected to double during the coming two decades, which means that senior care will only become more and more important. In fact, the need for new solutions in the area of senior housing and non medical care is becoming critical. Baby Boomers are not interested in adhering to the senior-living patterns of the past; they insist on doing things differently, which often translates into different lifestyle needs. This generation will insist on living our their senior years at home, but for them to do so comfortably, our society’s entire infrastructure will require changes.

What does this mean for you?

As a senior care franchise owner, it means that opportunities for growth and success will abound in the coming years, but you can’t just rest on your laurels and expect good things to happen. You need to be able to understand the Baby Boomer generation and their specific requirements. If you can do this, you can become a much-needed resource in your community and a model for how to handle the needs of Baby Boomers.

Recognizing the Opportunity

The dominant mindset surrounding the Baby Boomers and their shift into retirement age has been one of anxiety. Certainly, it’s easy to look at the needs of Baby Boomers — and their sheer numbers — and focus on the negative. But what if you shifted your perspective? It’s actually easy to see great opportunity where others might see stress and strain.

As an in-home senior care franchise owner in your community, you will lead the way when it comes to catering to the Baby Boomers. This generation wants to retain independence, and they love the idea of staying at home through their senior years. However, they also understand that they will require assistance and care from time to time as they grow older, making your senior-care company the perfect solution!

home care businessBaby Boomers and In-Home Care: Made for Each Other

Baby Boomers are largely responsible for creating our modern world, and they want to help create a new standard for senior living, as well. For most of them, this means staying at home where they can continue to live as they wish, on their own schedules. You can help this great generation by providing them with the resources they need as your area’s favorite in-home senior care provider!

Learn More

If you’re interested in learning more about providing excellent care as a senior care franchise owner, we invite you to consider the possibilities available through franchising with Always Best Care. We’ve been leaders in senior care for nearly two decades, and we’ve always got an eye on the future. Download our FREE franchising ebook today to learn more.


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Three Ways to Take Advantage of the Aging-In-Place Boom

Three Ways to Take Advantage of the Aging-In-Place Boom“Aging in place” is a term that’s becoming increasingly common as you read about issues facing modern seniors. For today’s elder population — and those who are about to join it — staying at home throughout the aging process is vitally important, which means that traditional means of taking care of the older generation are not as popular as they used to be. In fact, the transition from home to nursing home, which used to be an automatic one, is no longer the standard when it comes to keeping seniors safe, happy and comfortable. These days, the trend is shifting toward ways we can keep our seniors where they want to be — at home.

The issue with this trend is that the demand for aging-in-place options is growing faster than the infrastructure needed to support it. That’s why owning an in home senior care franchise represents such a fantastic opportunity right now. As a non-medical elder care franchise owner, you can provide a much-needed resource, but you have to be able to embrace the big changes that are happening — and are about to happen — in the senior care industry.

Be Ready for the Aging-In-Place Boom

If you’re interested in senior-care franchising, and you want to be ready for the challenges presented by a rapidly shifting business world, here are three tips to help you manage your business and be a leader in the aging-in-place movement:

#1 — Take on A Growing Population

The senior population is growing quickly, and they are going to need excellent care in the coming years. By 2030, the number of people over the age of 85 could triple to 20 million, and many of them are going to need fantastic non medical care right at home. Will you be there for them?

#2 — Help Those Who Need It Most

About 25% of seniors suffer from a condition that negatively affects cognition, hearing, vision and/or mobility. As seniors join the growing 85+ population, the number who are affected by such conditions rises to more than two thirds. These seniors should not be forced to leave their homes, but they are going to need special care. Be the one to help them with your senior care business.

Three Ways to Take Advantage of the Aging-In-Place Boom#3 — Helping Those Who Don’t Have Help

As many as 16% of Baby Boomers do not have children to help take care of them, and a large portion of them are insistent on aging in place. As a senior care franchise owner, you can help this segment of the population by providing a resource that offers kind, compassionate care in your community.

More Tips for Successful Senior-Care Franchising!

Are you interested in learning more about what it takes to be successful as a senior care franchise owner during the aging-in-place boom? Always Best Care is here to help you navigate the industry as one of our franchise owners! Download our FREE franchising ebook today to learn more and refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.



Do You Have What it Takes to Be A Senior Care Franchise Owner?

Do You Have What it Takes to Be A Senior Care Franchisee?If you are reading this, there is a good chance it’s because you’re curious about becoming a senior care franchise owner. Perhaps you’ve gained experience in the corporate world, but you’re interested in owning your own business. Maybe you’ve even been considering franchising for a while, but the right opportunity hasn’t come along. Whatever your reasoning, it’s true that right now is a great time to enter the growing in home senior care industry as a franchisee. It’s a solid industry with a tremendous growth forecast, and those who have followed their franchisor systems and worked hard have experienced impressive successes.

The senior care industry is highly appealing, so it makes sense that you would consider it when evaluating franchise opportunities. But there’s something you need to ask yourself: Do you have what it takes?

Are You Cut Out for Senior Care?

Our industry attracts prospective franchisees from all backgrounds and walks of life, but the senior care sector is not ideal for every individual. That’s why it’s important to evaluate yourself, your abilities and your preferred way of working before you jump in and sign on.

Here are four qualities that successful senior-care franchisees possess:

They Can Handle Coaching and Feedback

As a franchisee, this can be difficult if you’re used to giving orders instead of taking them. However, if you are a team player who can trust a proven system and integrate constructive feedback into your career, you will probably do just fine in the world of senior care franchising. It’s all about working hard and using your specific talents to make the system work for you and your business.

They Appreciate Structure

Some people require a certain degree of excitement and spontaneity in their professional lives, and these individuals tend to make exceptional entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, they don’t always make the best franchisees. But if you feel comfortable working within a structured system with clear guidelines to follow, franchising might be perfect for you.

Do You Have What it Takes to Be A Senior Care Franchisee?They Possess Strong People Skills

Although it’s possible to run some businesses without interacting with a diverse group of individuals, that’s just not how most franchises work. If you’re a “people person” who can work successfully with all kinds of people while putting your ego aside, though, franchising is an avenue worth considering. The senior-care industry, in particular, is incredibly diverse, bringing together people from all backgrounds, cultures and economic realities.

They Want to Support the Community

Senior-care franchising is different from other opportunities because it allows franchisees the chance to truly help their communities. Senior care companies provide a resource and a lifeline that might not exist otherwise. So if you’re interested in doing more than just making profits, you can find lots of chances to help others as an in home senior care franchisee!

Do You Have More Questions?

If you’re interested in learning more about becoming a senior care franchisee in your area, we invite you download our FREE franchising ebook today! It’s loaded with information that will help you make the best choice for your future, so don’t hesitate to get your copy.


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Three Great Questions to Ask Existing Franchisees

Three Great Questions to Ask Existing FranchiseesWhen it’s time for a change in your life or your career, it can be tempting to jump in head first, dealing with the consequences and challenges as they arise. However, that’s not the right way to approach business ownership, no matter how eager you may be for a shift in your professional life. Perhaps you’ve become interested in the possibilities present within the lucrative senior-care industry, and you’ve heard about the difference you can make in your community as an in home elder care franchisee. While the industry finds itself in the midst of amazing growth and opportunity for hard-working individuals like you, you still need to do your homework and due diligence before you sign any paperwork.

One of the best things you can do for yourself — and your future franchising efforts — is to interview current senior-care franchise owners. They have insights that you won’t find elsewhere, and they can provide you with knowledge that can ensure that you make the right decision.

But what should you ask existing franchisees?

We’ve come up with three essential questions — Let’s take a look!

#1 — “How Happy Are You?”

This may seem obvious, but if you envision a happy life for you and your family, you want to be sure that such satisfaction is possible with a particular franchisor before you make any commitments.

Ask franchisees about their happiness and satisfaction. Pay attention not only to what they have to say, but also their body language and enthusiasm. If you sense that trouble may be brewing under the surface of a happy exterior, you may need to deepen your research and/or eliminate a particular franchise from contention.

#2 — “How Long Did it Take To Experience a Return on Investment?”

Ultimately, you’re interested in franchising because it offers an opportunity to earn a solid income. But you can’t wait forever to see a return on your investment. Find out how long it took existing franchisees to experience a return, and you’ll have a much better idea of what the senior-care franchising landscape will look like for you.

Three Great Questions to Ask Existing Franchisees#3 — “What Kind of Support Have You Received?”

One of the primary reasons to choose a franchise business instead of a more traditional business model is the level of support that’s available to franchisees. Ask current franchisees about the types of support they’ve received from the main office. Is there marketing assistance? What about training? You want to make sure that you’re not on your own once you make a commitment!

More Great Franchise Questions and Answers!

If you’re interested in operating your own senior care franchise, a bright future awaits — but only if you go into the process of purchasing your franchise armed with good questions and great research. For more information on what it’s like to own and operate your own non medical senior care franchise, download our FREE franchising ebook today! 


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Four Fantastic Facebook Tips for Franchisees

Four Fantastic Facebook Tips for FranchiseesDo you use Facebook? If you said “yes” in response to this question, chances are you spend a significant amount of time using the popular social media platform. Naturally, you use it to keep up with the lives of friends and family members, and you probably post your share of updates. Of course, if you’re like most Facebook users, you spend some time interacting with brand pages and updates posted by your favorite companies. Facebook is used by so many of these brands and companies because it’s incredibly effective, plus it makes a very small dent in the marketing budget.

If you’re an in home elder care franchisee, Facebook can be a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal, as well, but you’ve got to understand how to use it properly to promote your senior care business. Otherwise, you might as well be spending your days watching the latest viral cat videos!

Here are four tips that will help you get the most out of using Facebook for your franchise:

#1 — Provide Real Value

Ultimately, your Facebook Page is all about your promoting your business, but if you want people to take notice, you need to give them something of value.

Fortunately, doing this isn’t that difficult. Simply scour the web for interesting, relevant articles or newsworthy pieces on aging. Share content that adds value to peoples’ lives without promoting your business. That way, when you do use a post to promote your franchise, it has a greater impact. Also, be sure to post about local events and community activities to show that you’re invested in your area.

#2 — Be Consistent

Your Facebook page should be consistent with everything else you employ to promote your brand. Logos should look the same as they do on your website and everywhere else online. Images should convey a professional, authoritative aesthetic consistent through all social media platforms. Additionally, you want to make sure that your personal Facebook profile reflects positively (and consistently) on your brand.

Four Fantastic Facebook Tips for Franchisees#3 — Always Use Images!

When people post using only text, they generate very little interest; you’ve probably seen this for yourself when perusing social media. That’s why it’s so important to add an image to every single post. Use images that you have on file or search for unlicensed images on Google. You can also use stock-photo services that allow you to pay a small fee for the rights to use professional-quality photos and illustrations.

#4 — Check Your Links!

When you insert a link into your Facebook post, it populates it with an appropriate image and text. However, you shouldn’t just assume that your link will work as planned. Before you post your update, check all links to be sure they go where they’re supposed to and that they populate the post with the right image.

Always Best Care Can Help!

When it comes to marketing a senior care franchise, we are experts! Download our FREE franchising ebook today and learn how you can be a successful franchise owner in this growing industry!


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Six Simple Tips for Senior Care Franchise Success

Senior care franchises are sprouting up all over North America, proving that it’s a business model that’s looking at a very bright future. If you’re a senior-care franchisee or you’re in the process of considering the purchase of your own in home care franchise, it’s important that you take time to think about how you will set yourself apart from the competition and ensure the success of your business.

Six Simple Tips for Senior Care Franchise SuccessHere are six simple tips that can give you the edge you need to make your franchise the class of your community:

#1 — Work Hard and Practice Persistence

Maybe this should go without saying, but too many franchisees think that the business model by itself is going to make them successful. Well, that’s just not the case. Hard work and persistence are the things that really set successful franchisees apart from their less-successful peers.

#2 — Work Smarter

Hard work is crucial, but sometimes you have to recognize when you’re putting a brute-force effort into something that just isn’t going to pay off. If you want to be successful, you have to be able to understand that sometimes the best solution comes from a good idea and not a Herculean effort.

#3 — Search for New Opportunities Constantly

As a franchisee, your success will depend on your ability to keep finding new opportunities. This might mean taking advantage of partnerships with local senior centers and other facilities, or it might mean making your business a sponsor of local events. You just can’t afford to coast as a franchisee.

Six Simple Tips for Senior Care Franchise Success#4 — Learn What Makes You Stand Out

What do you bring to your business personally? Is there something special that you do well that your competitors struggle with? If you can find a handful of these things, you can make your business more attractive to seniors and their families.

#5 — Avoid Making Excuses

Things aren’t always going to go your way. That’s just how business works, though, so you have to be able to bounce back when a plan fails or a venture falls through. Although it’s easy to make excuses and complain about how things didn’t work out, that’s not way to succeed. Instead, look at your efforts and determine how you can do a better job in the future. Then move forward one step at a time.

#6 — Be the Best at What You Do

Sometimes being successful is simply a matter of noticing what others are doing and finding a way to do it better. What are your competitors good at? Where can you improve with your efforts? Notice these areas, improve them and strive to be the best at them!

More Franchise Advice and Information

If you’re interested in learning more about how to be successful in the senior-care industry, or if you’re curious about purchasing your own franchise, our FREE senior care franchising ebook contains information and advice you can’t ignore. Download your copy today!


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Franchise or Independent Business? Make the Right Choice

Franchise or Independent Business? Make the Right ChoiceLife in the corporate world is great for a lot of people. It provides a certain sense of security, and those who operate within its confines can always rely on a steady paycheck. But for many individuals, working as an employee of a corporation leaves them wanting more from their professional lives. They want more control, and they desire the ability to make important decisions. For some, this drives the choice to leave the corporate world and start businesses of their own. Are you one of these driven individuals? If so, you might be mulling the choice between a career as a franchisee — possibly in the growing senior care industry — and existence as an independent small business owner.

So, what’s the right choice?

Now Is A Great Time to Act

Regardless of what you decide to do with your career, now is the perfect time to act on your desire to experience life as a business owner. The economy is beginning to take off again after years of stagnancy, and people are willing to take more risks, which is conducive to a healthy business climate.

Entrepreneurial life can provide benefits that people who remain in the corporate realm can only dream about. But it requires hard work, tremendous personal investment, dedication and sacrifice. That means that if you’re ready to leave corporate life, you better have a plan!

Franchise or Independent — What’s Best for You?

This is a tough question to answer because each individual is different. That being said, there are some factors you can consider to help you make the ideal choice for you, your career and your family.


Franchise or Independent Business? Make the Right ChoiceHow much money are you willing to invest in a business opportunity? An independent venture will require you to spend much more than a franchise, but franchises offer less independence. The franchise advantage, though, is a proven business model and structure, so there’s a greater chance of success right off the bat.


In an independent business, you alone occupy the top of the food chain. As a franchisee, the large decisions are made by the franchisor. it’s important to consider what level of control you wish to maintain, and what level you’re willing to relinquish. It’s a tradeoff — there are advantages and disadvantages to each type of structure.

Branding and Marketing

As an independent business owner, you are starting from scratch, which means that you have to build a brand and grow the public’s awareness of it. When you’re a franchisee, however, you buy in to a brand that’s already been established and is recognized by the public.

What’s Your Decision?

Whether you choose to go the independent route or you decide that in home senior care franchising is right for you, your eagerness to make it as a business owner is admirable! Success can be yours in either scenario, but it’s necessary to do your homework and search your heart to ensure that you have the best chance at success.

If you’re interested in learning more about franchising in the booming senior-care industry, we invite you to download our FREE franchising ebook today! 


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Franchise Efficiency — 4 Tips for Staying Productive

Franchise Efficiency — 4 Tips for Staying ProductiveFranchising is different from other types of businesses in many ways. Some lessons from the traditional business world just don’t apply when it comes to operating a franchise. However, there’s one thing that’s true for business owners all over the world, regardless of the business model in which they operate: greater efficiency means greater revenue and greater success.

If you’re wondering how you can get the most out of your senior care franchise without burning the candle at both ends, we have four tips that can help you operate at peak efficiency!

#1 — The System Works — Just Follow It!

So many franchisees struggle with this one, but it’s really the key to successful franchising, regardless of the industry. Franchises succeed because they have built and maintained a proven system. This system is what you’re really paying for with your franchise fee, so why would you take pains to avoid working within it? By following the system, you decrease the burden on yourself and your team to come up with effective strategies. You also give yourself the best chance to make money and grow your business!

#2 — Hire, Delegate and Train

The person who does it all on their own is largely a product of fiction and fantasy. In reality, people who run successful franchises rely on others to help them get things done. Hiring good people is the first step, but you have to be comfortable delegating tasks to them so you can lessen your load. Maybe you’ll feel uncomfortable delegating tasks to those who may not do them quite as well as you; that’s where good training comes in, so be sure to take the time necessary to get all members of your team on the same page.

#3 — Become a Marketing Expert

Following the system gives you the best chance at success, but you have to be able to bring some things to the table on your own. One area where you can really make things easier on yourself is the marketing arena. Learning how to use social media, email and other modern marketing methods may seem daunting, but it’s actually fairly easy. If at any moment you’re wondering what you can do to make your franchise better, increasing your marketing expertise is always a solid choice.

Franchise Efficiency — 4 Tips for Staying Productive#4 — Don’t Burn Yourself Out!

As a driven business owner, it’s easy to justify a work ethic that might leave you sleepless and strained. This doesn’t do anybody any good, though, and it actually hurts your business. Remember that you can only do so much, and be sure to take time to rest and recharge. If you’ve delegated properly and increased efficiency elsewhere, you certainly deserve it!

More Franchise Tips and Advice

Are you interested in learning more about how to run a senior care franchise at peak efficiency? We are experts here at Always Best Care! Download our FREE franchising ebook today and find out how you can take your career to the next level as a successful elder care franchisee!


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Are You an Unhappy Employee? Become a Happy Franchisee!

Are You an Unhappy Employee? Become a Happy Franchisee!Working and making a living as someone else’s employee is a perfectly legitimate way to go about having a career. In fact, there are many benefits associated with this work/life model, including the ability to leave work at the office and leave the big responsibilities with the real stakeholders. But for some people, the allure of owning one’s own business is more powerful and attractive than a career spent as an underling to someone else. If you are one of these people, you might feel stuck in your job because starting your own business simply requires too much time, effort and capital; it’s just not a good idea to make that big of a leap. This is why franchising is so attractive to people like you who want a change — and more responsibility — in their careers. And if you’re serious about becoming a franchise owner, it’s hard to beat the opportunities available right now in the booming in-home senior care industry!

Saying Goodbye to an Unfulfilling Career

When you look at the world of employment, it seems like people are working harder than ever for a rapidly dwindling set of rewards. Corporations and other employers expect people to go above and beyond 40 hours of hard work every week, and many employees are feeling the effects of burnout. To add insult to injury, many modern employers are so focused on the bottom line that they see their employees not as the human beings that form the backbone of their enterprises, but as assets that can be discarded when they no longer provide value.

It’s a tough world out there, and even though the majority of employers treat their employees well, those who demand more out of their careers can feel lost in a cycle of hopelessness in their jobs.

But where is the relief?

Considering Senior Care Franchise Ownership

People like you who work hard and care about results deserve to have opportunities that reward your efforts. Franchising is a terrific way to break out of the corporate machine and begin your own rewarding journey of business ownership. Senior care franchises, in particular, offer a great way to give back to the community while operating in a business model that’s experiencing amazing growth (with no signs of slowing down). Franchising in the senior care industry also requires less of an initial investment than many other franchise opportunities, making it ideal for those who are new to business ownership.

Are You an Unhappy Employee? Become a Happy Franchisee!Learn More About Senior Care Franchising

Are you interested in learning more about how you can trade your stifling career for a life as a successful business owner? Answers are right around the corner. Download our FREE franchising ebook and find out if you have what it takes to own and operate a senior care franchise in your area!


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Joining the Multi Billion Dollar Senior Care Market

Joining the Multi Billion Dollar Senior Care MarketYou might be aware that the senior-care industry is growing rapidly (which is probably why you’re here reading this), but did you know that the industry has grown so much recently that analysts are valuing it at more than 300-billion dollars? That number may shock you — after all, it’s not like senior-care issues and news are front-page, newscast-leading items — but it shows just how much untapped opportunity there is within this special sector of the economy.

Have you been interested in buying and operating your own in home senior care franchise? Although the amazing growth continues, you don’t want to wait too long to make a decision.

Let’s examine the factors that make right now the perfect time to join the massive senior care market!

Baby Boomers Are Transitioning

The “Baby-Boomer” generation makes up a significant portion of the total U.S. population. Approximately 75 million individuals in the United States are members of the generation, and they are all reaching an age where key decisions must be made.

For many “Boomers,” this means handling the care of their parents, who have lived longer lives than anyone could have expected. Baby boomers remember the conditions under which their grandparents lived, and for the most part, they want to ensure that their parents have an easier, healthier and more comfortable time. In many cases, this means selecting the in-home senior care option, which allows for the greatest comfort and flexibility while receiving the best available care.

Baby Boomers are also being confronted with decisions to make regarding their own care. Retirement is upon them, and they want to make sure that decisions they make today ensure the best possible future for them when they are older. They also want their children to understand what types of care and housing they prefer to experience.

Joining the Multi Billion Dollar Senior Care MarketWhat all this means is that the demand for senior-care options is only going to continue to grow. Although the industry has become massive in recent years, there’s nothing preventing it from continuing to grow. With baby boomers occupying a transitional phase right now, there is no better time to join the elder care industry!

People Want Options

When it came to caring for seniors in previous generations, it meant moving Mom or Dad to a facility where freedom and autonomy for residents — not to mention comfort — were placed very low on the list of priorities.

Today, seniors have many more options available to them, and in-home senior care is one of the most appealing. The demand for such options is incredibly strong, as it turns out, and it is only going to become more powerful with the transitioning baby boomers preferring overwhelmingly to stay at home themselves.

In this climate, it’s easy to see why owning a senior-care business is so appealing. In business, it’s rare to see such a huge demand for something with so many ways to satisfy it, making in-home senior care a golden opportunity!

More Senior Care Market Information

Are you interested in learning more about what it’s like to own and operate a senior-care franchise? Download our FREE franchising ebook today!


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.